作为国家卫生健康委委管的三级甲等口腔专科医院,医院始终贯彻党的卫生健康工作方针,秉承“厚德尚学 精医济世”的院训精神,以培养卓越口腔医学人才、护佑人民群众口腔健康、服务国家口腔医学事业发展为己任,在医疗技术与服务提升、人才培养与队伍建设、科技创新与成果转化、科学化精细化管理、基层院校帮扶与国际国内合作、党建引领与医院文化建设等方面发挥“国家队”的示范作用。" /> 


The Peking University School of Stomatology provides a comprehensive scientific research platform, including National Engineering Laboratory for Digital and Material Technology in Stomatology, National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases, Beijing Key Laboratory of Digital Stomatology and CFDA Test Center for Dental Materials and Devices in China. … 详细>>